My Portfolio

Oct. 6, 2021 // mörv

My Portfolio

Hello everyone! You ended up here because, it was on homepage or you saw this link on my CV. This page covers up all my works including my hobby projects. Also the projects will be explained in details.

Thank you in advance for taking your precious time!

Table of Content

  1. 1. Digital Arts
  2. a. Ghostbuster Device
  3. b. Coco (From "Coco" Movie)
  4. c. Photoshop Works
  5. 2. Handiworks
  6. I. Drawings
  7. a. Charcoal Works
  8. b. Dry Pastel Works
  9. c. Watercolor Works
  10. II. Sculptures
  11. a. Çarpık
  12. b. Özümse
  13. c. Okuyan Adam
  14. d. Reproduction
  15. e. Abstract Works

Digital Arts


I created this one while I was studying a course in udemy but I changed the task that teacher gave me, it dances to popular song in social media.

Used tools: Adobe Premier, Autodesk Maya

Closer look


UV Maps

Ghostbuster Device

I created this one while I was studying a course in udemy.

Used tools: Adobe Premier, Autodesk Maya

Closer look


Photoshop Works



Charcoal Works

Dry Pastel Works

Watercolor Works



This piece reflects complicated thoughts about the choices that we can not choose in our lives.


This piece is from our dreams. In our dreams, we feel different, we see different, also the reality changes. The most absurd part is we keep up with this new reality and it does not effect our sanities. It all looks so familiar, even though every part of that is so silly.

Okuyan Adam

This piece is from one of my university workshop hours.


This piece is from one of my university workshop hours.

Abstract Works

This piece is made with trashes. The event was "Scrap Sculpture Symposium", performed in Izmir.

This pieces try to answer the "When does art show its existence?" question. The answer is:

"Art can only exist if an observer that capable to understand the context exists. The object must communicate with observer sense systems."